Sunday, November 8, 2009

My 19th BIRTHDAY =)

Wow, 19 already? I'm really getting old lol

It is funny how I view "birthday" as I get older. When I was little, a "birthday" was a BIG deal. It meant everything to me. It was the one day of the year when I get new toys, games, and money. It was fun having parties, sleep-overs, and going bowling or to the arcade. But now that's all changed.

A "birthday" just seems like any other day, only a lot more special in the fact that I don't get excited over toys or games or money, but rather over how many birthday wishes I get. Every year I look at my facebook which is full of birthday wishes from friends and throughout the day I keep checking to see how many more will come lol

I finally understand why grown-ups never have big parties on their birthday, because the gifts that you get will not out-weight the thought and wishes that you receive from others.

On a side note, sorry I have been on such a long hiatus... wow almost 6 months I would say...? lol anyhow today is a special day because it marks my return to my blog. Hopefully I will have more time to keep it up-to-date. I will try my best =)

Friday, June 26, 2009

Bored... What Am I Waiting For?

I AM SO BORED... Haven't been productive since school ended. It feels like I'm waiting for something to happen, but I don't exactly know what. Let's wait then, it's all I can do...

Monday, June 22, 2009

Video Games = The Joy of Life

LOL today was Ms. Mahoney's "after party" aka Sapphire, Jessica, Ms. Mahoney, and I played Pokemon Stadium 1 & 2 and Mario Party 2 in her classroom after school. It was fun, although Ms. Mahoney and I did not make such good partners for Pokemon Stadium (We lost to Jessica and Sapphire... TWICE!) we still rocked at Mario Party 2 which I won by the way. I BEAT JESSICA!! =)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Ms. Mahoney =)

So today is Ms. Mahoney's BIRTHDAY!! Sapphire, Jessica, Amy, Melanie, and I all celebrated with her and To today at China Pearl. It was fun =) Oooo and Ms. Mahoney gave me a card, I was the green butterfly on the card (We dressed in rainbow colors for her today).

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MS. MAHONEY!! Looking forward to your Pokemon Stadium/Mario Party after party =)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Driving & Video Games

Okay so for the past 3 days, I've done nothing but playing video games. I have A LOT and I mean it. A friend of mine once commented that the money that I had spent on video games throughout my life is more than enough to pay off for a semester of college tuition. I still buy video games of course, but the only problem is... I feel like I've lost interest in playing, not buying... =/

So who or what do I blame? SCHOOL!! Duh, as if there is any other reason why. If I hadn't been so busy with school, I wouldn't have been on a 4-year break away from video games. I guess it's kind of like high school. You miss it right after graduation, but as time kicks in... you begin to feel less nostalgic. Maybe I'll regain my interest in video games, maybe I won't... let's wait and see.

Either way, I've already bought something called a "Cyclods Evolution." It's kind of like something that will turn your Nintendo DS into an iPod. With this product, I can listen to music on my DS and even play games off the internet if you know what I mean (wink wink). Altogether it was a little over 100$ but whatever I think it's worth it. It will save me A LOT of money in the end... YAY so yeah I definitely recommend it.

Aside from video games, I have been keeping up with my driving lately. My other, more likable, instructor said I drove "beautifully," but the main instructor never seems to be pleased... Anywho, I got to go on the highway today and although it wasn't as scary as I imagined, it was a REALLY TIRING experience, I felt so weak and drained after getting off the highway... it felt really weird. So today was my LAST driving hour so I'm offically done HOORAH!! Now the next step is.. ROAD TEST and the best part LICENCE! lol Hopefully I'll pass XD

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Back With A Vengeance

So after a month long hiatus I'm BACK!! LOL I have so much to say but let's talk about GRADUATION first and leave everything else till later; after all, I DO have all the time in the world now haha.

So yes, GRADUATION was this past Sunday and I thought it was THE BST DAY EVER!! I didn't trip up on my salutatorian speech, even though I got extremely paranoid when I couldn't hear myself on my mom's video camera. But luckily, Sapphire came to my rescue with an actual copy of the ceremony from RCTV!! I heard myself perfectly on that recording so I was HAPPY once again. I also managed to get a LOAD of pictures which I will be uploading onto to facebook soon, I PROMISE!! What I truly enjoyed about this ceremony was that it included EVERYTHING that I've worked for since.... FOREVER! In the booklet that was passed out, I spotted my name like 17 different times under numerous rewards and recognitions. I got an award for my dedication to NHS, commitment to Asian Club, as well as contribution to the class of 2009 as Vice president. These awards truly meant a lot to me because these were the clubs/activities that I deemed most important. Academically, I got 3 different awards for the following subjects: Psychology, Spanish, and Science. I truly felt honored since these awards were one of kind and I luckily received them all.

From this experience, I realize that sometimes you don't have to constantly try to prove to others that you are the best as long you know that you've done THE BEST that YOU can. I never thought that I would receive some of these awards, but I did. It comes to show that there are people watching your every sacrifice even though you may not be aware of it 100% of the time. It felt like everything that I worked for finally paid off even though I never expected any contribtution in the first place.

If you are interested in watching the GRADUATION OF THE CLASS OF 2009, give me a shout and I will try to upload the video. However, this will have to occur after I get my new laptop over the summer only because my computer is too old to handle certain types of video conversion. If you are STILL interested in Graduation, we are also in the newspaper lol yes, I got myself a copy today. My speech is also in the newspaper by the way and my beautiful colored photo lol.

Well in the meantime I hope that you all like my GRADUATION-THEMED layout and the newly uploaded music. More updates will come your way, I PROMISE!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

One Mission After Another

We never run out of things to do, seriously....

Sorry, I have been so busy lately, but now that Asian Night is finally over and done with, I can breath a sigh of relief (sigh)

More comments on Asian Night coming soon as well as new layout and new songs =)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Days Are Growing Short & I'm Getting Old

Wow!! I can't believe that vacation is already halfway over. I remember back then the days used to seem so long. It seems like the seconds would just pass by like turtles, but now they seem to soar by like birds. I feel like I am running out of time...

I wish I can go back to being a kid... there were no stress, no worries, and no major responsibilities.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The True Human Nature: Selfish & Inconsiderate

I'm sorry but this going to turn into another rash about how much I hate people. Like I have stated before, the closer we get to graduation, the more I begin to see things more clearly for some reason. The closer we get to June 7th, the closer I realize that I can no longer tolerate some of the behaviors at RHS. In general, PEOPLE SICKEN ME!

Maybe it's only because I have reached my limit or maybe it's because my mind has matured by like 100000000x this year, but I feel so aggrivated lately with everything! Asian Night, NHS, AP's, and PEOPLE are all causing me to feel very stressed out. I'm okay with the things that I have to deal with for Asian Night, NHS, and my AP classes because I know that I signed up for these things and therefore I have no complaints. However, it's the attitude and behavior of a majority of the people at the school that just makes me SICK!

I feel like it has become an increasing trend each day that somebody would always ask me for my school work. EVERYDAY this happens and I'm really sick of it. Sometimes people would legitly take my work and don't remember to give them back until I ask for them. Honesely, I don't mind you taking my work and copying it then and there but when you take it for 2 weeks and then I ask for it back and you go, "I'm not done copying," then that just irritates me. This makes me feel like you consider my work shit until it serves some sort of benefit to you.

I am so busy with all of the things that I have in life, but I feel like nobody gives a damn. I am constantly being sought down by people who wants to "see" my work EVERYDAY. I seriously don't even have time to study on many ocassions and the next day people would ask me if they could borrow my "study guide books" and my "notes." This is one of the reasons why I don't take notes anymore because literally I'm just taking notes for people who wants to burrow them later on. What's worse is that I know people go home and procrastinate or go out and party and all that jazz. Then they realized "Oh shit, I have a test tomorrow, but that's okay I'll just ask ANH!" Seriously, this is what I feel like people are doing and I will not tolerate it anymore.

Yes, I'm number 2 of the class and yes I'm the salututorian, but I'm ONLY HUMAN like the rest of you! One time somebody told me that I'm different, because I'm "naturally smart." Although I should feel flattered, I don't because that's saying I get the grades that I do "natually" and that's not true at all. I'm only human, not GOD, so stop thinking that. TAKE THAT THOUGHT OUT OF YOUR MIND ASAP!

Basically from now on, I will no longer be distributing my work to anybody anymore. I'm fine with teaching you if you need help when I feel like it, but I will no longer be your automatic notepad where you can go to whenever you feel like slacking. I too slack, but I have never asked anybody for their work and hold on to them for more than 1 class period unless I'm not in school. I realize and understand that all humans are innately selfish and inconsiderate, but seriously this is overdoing it!

Friday, April 17, 2009

vAcAtIoN... or NOT!!

Oh gosh this vacation is going to SUCK, so much to do yet so little time. I wish I had magic powers to create more time; that would be awesome.

Well I'll get through it one way or another, HAPPY VACATION Y'ALL!! =)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Responsibilities, Priorities, and Will

Today was a good day, it would have been better if I had gotten more sleep last night but at least I didn't faint lol.

Well today I got to see the YELLOW DRESS play in school. It was supposed to be only for juniors but I got to come see since I was helping out. The play was a one-person monologue about a young high school girl who was involved in an abusive relationship. She could not get away and in the end was killed due to a fatal mistake. The purpose of the play is to show the consequences of domestic violence but it also helped me to see the various options that we have in life.

Just like in any situation, we always have more than 1 choice. The key point is how are we going to approach the situation and find an ideal solution. I realize that depending on our goals and values, each of us will choose very different options within our broad range of choices. Regardless of what we decide to do, we should always ask ourselves "is this what I really want to do?" If this question can be answered "yes" with no qualms, then we should proceed with our decision and don't look back at it with regret.

At the same time, each person has very different priorities and responsibilities. These two characterisitics are important in trying to maintain our role in life, which is also very different from one to person to another. I have finally realized that it's very wrong to try to put my priorities over others'. It's selfish and I don't like it when I see myself that way. However, at the same time, I also feel like as long as you have the WILL to advance and make time for yourself, anything can be done.

From my experience today, I have decided that from this point onward I will try my best to be honest and sincere but at the same time consider others' feelings. Sometimes that's hard to do, but I shall learn how to... I refuse to let disbelief take over my smile and cheerfulness!

P.S. I strongly encourage freshmen, sophomores, and juniors to become involved with YOUTH SPEAK. Not only have I learned so much about techniques in dealing with my problems, I have also learned a lot about myself.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Add Video

Please Come Watch Asian Night 2009. Support the Club, but more importantly come support ME!! =)

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Okay, it is official, I HATE ASIAN CLUB WITH A PASSION! It is no longer the club that I want to go to and commit my time to anymore!

I remember back in freshmen year when I would rush to Asian Club everyday after school because I did not want to be late to the meeting. Back in 06' EVERYBOY worked and they seemed to all be enjoying themselves. It was fun just WATCHING them practice. I remember the first time that I participtaed in a dance in 07'. It was the best experience of my life and it was SO MUCH fun. However, since then Asian Club has drastically decayed. It is not something that I want to put time and effort into anymore because it is a TOTAL waste of time.

Sometimes I feel like I put so much effort into Asian Club, but I get nothing back. As a secretary of NHS, I get praised for making it into the club AND when I graduate, a symbol of NHS will be imprinted onto my graduation certificate. How honorable is that? As vice president of class council, I get to plan the events of my class and I get to work with officers who are so dedicated; most importantly, I get to plan PROM at GILLETTE STADIUM this year. But as an Asian Club Officer, what do I get? No recognition by the members, no enjoying myself at events like Game Night and RACO, and most importantly, nobody in the club is truly thankful of what I do for them.

So why do I keep hanging onto this club? I ask myself questions like this all the time. Why do I skip extra help sessions to go to Asian Club? Why do I miss out on Community Service opportunities to come to Asian Club when I need 60 hours to GRADUATE? Why do I miss out on getting EXTRA CREDIT for my AP classes? I just don't understand why I do what I do. I really care for this club but all I get in return is (excuse my language) SH*T!

Therefore, I have decided that sometimes it is best to just let go and stop trying to revive something that is destined to die. Rather than argue my way through, I will just drop it peacefully...

From now on, I will no longer regard Asian Club as "important" anymore. If I have time, I will come, if I don't have time, well then F*CK it because I don't care anymore!

P.S. Sorry if I sounded nasty, but I have reached beyond my breaking limit. All I can say to the club right now is "GOOD LUCK NEXT YEAR!" because you WILL need it...

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Hardest Part of Life: Making Decisions

I have never been a really good decision maker all my life. In fact, I am probably the most indecisive person you will ever come across. I mean on many occasions, I have actually been faced with having to make a decision between picking one video game or another for over 2 hours only to decide in the end that we not choose either. This time, I am faced with making college decisions, something that I obviously CANNOT go "I won't choose either!" Anyhow here is the list of all the college decisions:

-MCPHS [accepted]
-UMASS AMHERST [accepted]
-NORTHEASTERN [waitlisted]
-BOSTON COLLEGE [waitlisted]
-TUFTS [rejected]

Well obviously the choice is now between UMASS AMHERST and MCPHS, and to be honest, I am kind of leaning towards MCPHS. The only thing that might hold me back is the money part, but I think owing $10,000 a year might not be so bad taking into consideration that I nearly make about $5,000 working in the summer (that is, IF I decided to take that path). So there you have it, the school that I will commit myself to: Massachusetts College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences. I read online today that MCPHS is actually ranked as the 4th best Pharmacy school in the nation. Sounds pretty intriguing ehh? Maybe I will be very satisfied with this decision, but hey if it just so happens that NORTHEASTERN decides to change their mind and accept me along with a BIG financial aid package, then maybe I will reconsider. Anything is possible! lol

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Green: The Color of Spring

Well Spring is here and so are new hopes for the furture. Enjoy the new layout and songs! =)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I'm Sorry That Life Is SOOOOO BUSY!

Once again I have fallen into a slight "blog coma" and I'm sorry for not having updated since last week. This weekend I will work on a new layout with a new theme plus new songs and I promise after MAY, this site will be updated regularly just like before. I SWEAR! =)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

hApPy BiRtHdAy MOM!! <3

Just a quick shout out to my MOMMY since it's her birthday... HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! =)

p.s. (I almost forgot her birthday, omg I feel so bad... I remember her gift though)

Do What YOU Can & Let Everything Else Fall Into Place

I have been complaining a lot about school lately, but at the same time I know that I will miss it a lot. I will miss everything from the activities to the teachers, but there are certain things that I know I won't miss (erhmm... the administrators and snobby students).

In general, I don't think that RHS is a bad school at all, in fact I really love it, even more than the school that I attended back when I lived in Quincy. However, there are some things that I am really sick of at this school. First and foremost, I feel like students are just very disrespectful to the teachers. Whipping out your cellphones during class and constantly talking over your teachers are just very RUDE. I'm sorry but if you're 17/18 in high school and you need to get send out of class for disruptive behavior(s), then how are you going to survive college and life in the future?

At the same time, I'm starting to feel like the administrators at the school are getting A LITTLE too controling. First, I don't understand why they are constantly on our tail about things like prom. I'm not saying that it's wrong for them to care, but when they are constantly questioning us about our plans, it makes me feel as if they don't trust us and our efforts and that irritates me. Also, I don't understand what is so wrong about watching a pg-13 rated movie in psychology class that will enable to understand more about psychotic behaviors. After all, that's what psychology is all about. I'm just so sick of how they are always stressing how important "education" is and that's pretty much all they're thinking of right now. However, I just want to say that aside from education, THERE ARE OTHER IMPORTANT THINGS IN LIFE!! Need I mention that in the past 4 years, 90% of the teachers (whether new or old) have either quit after 1-2 years or have gotten fired. OBVIOUSLY, there is something wrong that...

I'm just glad that I won't have to put up with this next year, at least not MUCH of it. But whatever, let's talk about my college updates. Today I got a letter from Boston College and once again I got waitlisted. Although it is not as bad as a rejection, I still feel like schools are just being biased. Only the students who go to schools like BLS and BLA are usually accepted and they never really care about Randolph students anyway... However, I am happy that I have not gotten rejected from any schools yet which shows that at least I have the capability and requirements that they are looking for, I'm just not "good" enough in terms of other areas UNRELATED to my work ethics.

THE GOOD NEWS is that Umass Amherst is offering me a little over $22,000 which will pretty much cover for most of my expenses. I'm really happy about that. At least I feel wanted somewhere =)

-MCPHS [accepted]
-UMASS AMHERST [accepted]
-NORTHEASTERN [waitlisted]
-BOSTON COLLEGE [waitlisted]

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Final Months of High School

lolIt's hard to believe that high school will be over in a matter of a few months. Although I can't wait to finish, I KNOW that I will miss so many things about high school like the teachers/staff, clubs/activities, defintely friends, but most importantly, the laughter and memories.

When I reflect upon what this year has been all about, I must say it is full of stress, but at the same time many laughters. This year in Spanish and AP Bio, I have had so many good times from laughing at Thanh's craziness to Amy's non-stop giggling. I will miss these moments and it's sad to know that these moments may not ever happen again in college especially since things will get more strict.

Therefore, I will cherish these last few months leading up to graduation and as much as I know I will miss RHS very much, I also know that life will move on and there will be other things in the future that are waiting for me.

-Anh Huynh Le RHS Senior '09, Always and Forever <3

Monday, March 23, 2009

Exhausted, Drained, Lifeless...

Okay' let's just say that school has been really taking the life out of me recently. I feel like no matter how much time I put into doing homework or studying, it's never enough! I thought that I had studied so hard for the STATS test, but I ended up getting a 71. I don't understand why one minute I feel like I'm getting it, but the tests and quizes always make me realize how stupid I am. I have honestly tried my best to study for this test, but whether I study or not makes no difference, so why bother?

Well at least I'm doing really well in BIOLOGY which I am so thankful for. My goal is getting a 90 or better on the next test, and yes IT WILL HAPPEN! Screw STATS, nothing in that class really makes sense to me anyway... =(

Well there is approximately 4 weeks left until April vacation. Everyday seems to go by so fast, but vacation and graduation don't seem to come fast enough. I honestly can't wait to go to college almost, the thought of freedom is finally starting to bloom inside of me and I LOVE it. I can't wait to leave the torture chambers of school, to escape the constant watch and dependency of my parents on me, and to remove myself from immature kiddies.

What do I mean by all this? I mean I feel like I am growing up so fast that I can be so independent right now that I don't need anybody anymore. I really don't need my mom telling what to eat and what not to eat. I don't need my grandma's constant watch over what I have for dinner each night. I don't need people to tell me what to do and not what to do. I feel like I can handle my own issues and the best thing that people can do for me right now is to just not add onto more of my issues. At this point, I am REALLY tired like nobody has any idea how tired I am. I just want to be able to get 8 hours of sleep a night, is that so much to ask for? (sigh...)

Friday, March 20, 2009

Friday At Last!! =)

Wow, I can't believe this week went by so fast like it never even occured. Any how I had a lot of fun silly dancing in the hallways and Ms. Mahoney's room. Oh by the way I did very well on my biology test which may be a good sign that I have also done a good job on the stats test.

Anywho, this weekend is defintely dedicated to catching up on school work since I missed like 2 and a half days of school this week. Other goals include:
-Finish choreographing Boys' K-pop dance for Asian Night
-Learn Call Me, this dance is intense
-Work on NHS Booklet
-Catch up on Crime & Punishment, I'm at least 6 chapters behind...
-Make up 4 assignments + Project for Calculus
-Get mucho SLEEP!!
-& BE A FAITHFUL POKEMON FAN, so Ms. Mahoney can't look down upon!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

It's All About "QUALITY," Not "QUANTITY"

OMG!! I can't believe scholarships are FINALLY OVER!! I really over worked myself for them including coming to school late today cuz I didn't finish in time =( However, nothing is ever "smooth-sailing." It seems like every time one problem ends, another arises and they NEVER STOP coming.

So today was Asian Club and once again another disappointment... I don't understand why people come if they aren't gonna do anything. It's like going into a restaurant and not order or eat... then why come?? I understand that some people require more time to mature, but by this time of year even freshmen should be able to act like young adults. It's really ashame that some people don't understand what they are doing with their life... No Offense.

Anyway, regardless of whether the members are going to put in more effort or not, the show WILL go on even if that means we will only have a cast of 15 members. Like the saying goes, it's all about "quality," not "quantity."

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Heart & A Soul

Today something strange came over me that just got me into thinking about humanity in general. I swear CRIME AND PUNISHMENT is starting to affect me. Today, I learned or have always known but realized that underneath everybody's physical persona, there is a heart and a soul. Regardless of whether you are a super star or a poor hobo, a wicked evil stepmother or a benevolent angel, you have a heart no matter how you are on the outside. I realized that everybody has a weak side that many people don't know about and this is the side that I have much sympathy for. Although I do admit I complain a lot and don't talk nicely about everybody all the time, I just want to say that in no way do I mean much of what comes out of my mouth. Basically, if we just take the time to understand that not everybody is legitly bad or evil, we would be able to feel better about others and at the same time, feel better about ourselves. I know, THIS IS WICKED CORNY, but it's true. Alright, I'm done here. Need to shower, eat, homework, then SCHOLARSHIPS!!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I'm BACK!!!

Wow, I am terribly SORRY that I haven't updated for the past two weeks, school is so CRAZY now since it's nearing May and every teacher is going into "Let's CRAM the students with work so they can be ready for the AP Exam" mode. On top of that I still need to worry about scholarships, the required 60 hours of community service for graduation, working towards Asian Night, compiling speeches for NHS and graduation (I have to write like 4), and other college crap in general.

As far as college decisions go, I have gotten 3 replies back
-MCPHS [accepted]
-UMASS AMHERST [accepted]
-NORTHEASTERN [waitlisted]

So I'm still waiting on other schools, but hey as of right now I have not gotton "REJECTED" by any school, maybe it's a good sign who knows.

So yeah I will try my best to keep updating everyday, I PROMISE I will "TRY." In them mean time, ENJOY the new songs and layout!

P.S. I love Suju's Sorry, Sorry!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Running on a Packed Schedule

These last few months before graduation will be hectic, and I can feel it already. Too many things to get done. One minute I feel like I'm on top of my game but that quickly changes when I realize that some important deadlines are TOMORROW... Right now College CRAP is driving me insane. If you want something turned in, then why didn't you notify me in advance but had to wait till 2 days before the dealine to express the news that I am still missing stuff.. I can't wait for this college process to end because when it is finally over, I will once again be able to breath =/

Although college sucks, I am really starting to get excited about the events that are coming up soon. The Fashion Show, Talent Show, PROM, Dodge Boll Tournament, Volleyball Tournament, and most exciting of all, ASIAN NIGHT are coming up and although all the preparation will be stressful, I have faith that each and every event will be successful and fun. They have to be fun in order to make my last year of high school as memorable as possible.

Like I've said, I am extremely addicted to good dances to the point where I would skip homework and go straight to youtube everyday... It has become a hobby now and I hope that this hobby will be able to take me somewhere someday, anywhere!

Last, but not least, today is a very special today because it is my sporty best friend Michelle's Birthday. HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY MICHELLE!! Expect a surprise tomorrow! =)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I'm Addicted Too... Good Dances

I just wanted to comment on yesterday's play, NO PROBLEM. It was absolutely INCREDIBLE, something that I truly enjoyed. Sometimes I feel like there is WAYYY more talent at RHS, people just don't notice that we have it. Therefore, I can't wait to go to the talent show to find some of these hidden talents =)

Well after nearly 2 months of procrastination, I FINALLY have HALF of my research paper done. Yes, I started working on it this morning at 3:30 A.M. and finished by 5:00, but whatever, I still got it done. This weekend, my goal is to finish it and get it over with. Aww... the LAST research paper we will ever do for high school, I'm truly gonna miss it... psych!! lol just playin' who am I kidding?

Well I've been addicted to Britney Spears's CIRCUS ever since I saw Girls' Generation perform it on the 2009 STARS DANCE BATTLE. It was AWESOME, the first time that I ever considered that Girls' Generation can dance =) Yoona, Yuri, and Hyoyeon all really did an EXCELLENT job. Well, here is the uploaded video of their performance, I'm sure you can find plenty of them on youtube. Yes, it IS that great, I don't lie...

Monday, February 23, 2009

That One Missing Thing...

I have come to realize that for some reason, no matter how hard I try to get everything done, there is ALWAYS that ONE thing that does not get accomplished and that bothers me. It would have been great to come back from vacation on a fresh start, but no... there is that darn research paper that I can't bring myself to do or even start. I don't know if it's just me, but I feel so "un-guided" like there's nothing to follow by and I am allowed to do anything I want. Sometimes being able to do whatever you want can be stressful because you know that if you mess up, every fault will fall squarely on your shoulders. I just hope that once again I can fluff my way through this rough draft by Thursday and worry about the final draft later. Oh the joy of freedom, whoopyyy.. =/

I think I'm gonna plan on dying my hair at some point this week, I'm so sick of seeing black. It's so plain and dark... I actually liked the color that I used last time, 2 years ago =)

Like this ^

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Procrastination: The Most Lethal Disease

Oh gosh, can't believe that it's Thursday already with only 3 more days untill we go back to the darkest depths of life: school! Time just flies and I have to realize that it is not waiting for anybody finish up. Time will go on whether we are ready for it or not and it is not stopping even to save our lives. The only way to combat against time is to use it to our advantage, something that I do not do. Yes, it is something called "Procrastination," and it kills when you get it. I have been inflicted with it and it seems as if I will never be cure of it no matter what I do.

I used to the boy who would come back from school on a friday afternoon and get all his homework done before dinner is even cooked, but now that diligent little boy is no longer inside of me and I blame my luck. Why? Because luck has always worked in my favor and has always helped me get the grades that I could ever imagine of getting. Sometimes I feel like there's no point in trying so hard because I can put all that work on luck. What do I mean by that? I mean that no matter how much I procrastinate, I will always manage to get things done on a close call and that tiny effort will result in a grade that's well above what I deserve. I have tried writing a research all in one night without any rough draft to follow by and managed to get a perfect score on it and a lot of praise. I don't understand how I got what I got, but the fact that I get one good grade after another through procrastination, encourages me to keep doing it more and more.

I am beginning to hate myself because no matter how much I tell myself to stop this bad habit, I will NEVER fall through. I just can't do it. It's like an addiction in a VERY weird way and there's no quitting. This is why I have decided to create this post so that it can constantly remind me of how much more I can achieve if I don't procrastinate...

Well my list of "to do" things are as follow:
-Finish AP Biology Vacation Homework
-Finish or rather "START" the Research Paper (Rough Draft)
-Get all of the AB Calculus work done
-Start researching the invention of the Toilet for Spanish
-Take the Personality Test and do the Extra Credit Assignment for Psychology
-Learn all the required parts of the Boys' K-Pop Dance in preparation for Asian Night
-Learn Tell Me and Lies Dance for next Wednesday
-Read a Book
-Play a Video Game
-Finish an Asian Drama

See how many of these things I'll get done before school starts, I can't promise that I'll get the last 3 done though... lol

On a brighter note, I managed to get all my financial aid documents mailed today and successfully deposited 2 checks ($80) "YAY ME!!" -London Tipton

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

10,000 HITS!!

So yeah I just wanted to point out the fact that according to the blog's counter, over 10,000 people have officially visited my blog =) though I feel like the counter itself is not accurate, maybe something's wrong with it but whatever, let me have my moment por favor?

Thanks for the visits, they give me a reason to continue blogging =)

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Color of Friendship

Oh goodiness I haven't updated for 4 DAYS!! That's a record, but now I'm back with something fresh. For some reason I've been a little yellow-obessive lately so decided to use yellow for my blog's theme, after all it is the color of friendship is it not?

Yesterday was rather a LONGG dreadful day in Dorchester, and yes I hate Dorchester. Why? Because it is so crowded and definitely not a good place to take driving lessons which I had to. Fran scares me so my dad recommends this Viet dude to teach me, but he was equally scary and worse of all he repeats the same things over and over again to the point where all I heard coming out of his mouth was "khdjhfsjdhf fhsjfh fshfweuop iueir BLAH." Yeah, I didn't have a good time at all and driving around in Dorchester is like driving around with a "Please Hit Me" sign cause it's so HARD to avoid people...

Yep, you've heard my story and I hope that everybody is having a great time off. Meanwhile enjoy the new layout and a new playlist will be updated really soon =)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Life's a Busy Street

Oh darn!! Just took a nap and that took 3 hours =( why is there such thing as being "tired" and "going to sleep"? Can't humans just develope resistance to "tiredness"? I will be waiting for that day, the day when humans are able to run on energy 24/7.

So yeah, my rough draft for the research paper is due tomorrow and I... haven't even started, so my plan is to fluff my way through it and then work on it for real over vacation. Honestly, we need of these vacations cause I'm about to malfunction already. Other vacation goals are to finish all other vacation assignments like biology (argg-ness) and learning the whole boys' k-pop dance cause I've been slacking on that...

P.S. Need new layout for blog this vacation, any suggestions?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

"Life Is Good," So LIVE It!

So it's been a week since midyears ended and the results are flooding out like water through a hole in a dam, but quite frankly, I like what I'm seeing, wait NO!, I LOVE what I'm seeing.

AP English: 93, MidYr: 90
Adv. Composition: 97, MidYr: 97
Spanish: 100, MidYr: 96
AB Calculus: 95, MidYr: 91
AP Statistics: 90, MidYr: 85
AP Biology: 93, MidYr: 93
Psychology: 100, MidYr: 100

Once again high honors for me his term YAY =) but by a very close call. Most of the time I feel like I do better than what I expect and at times I also feel like LUCK is just on my side. A good example would be AP Stats. I don't really think it's a hardcore "HARD" class, but I do fairly descent in that class and would have gotten a fine looking 88 for the term. BUT... somehow Mr. Mahoney decided to add 10 points to the class's test grades and therefore I ended up with exactly a 90. I feel really good about myself, because truthfully I DON'T consider myself a "GENIOUS" or incredibly smart, I just do what I do but I get grades that are way above satisfactory. Whenever we have a Math Meet, I have never earned more than 6 points on any of the rounds that I'm in and the most you can get is 18 total. I feel even dumber when sophomores from other schools like Thayer earn 15's and perfect 18's for their final score. So basically, I feel smart at RHS, but when I'm just "OUT" there I feel really stupid. Maybe I'm just being sensitive but I do feel intimiated out there.

So a word of advice, do what you do and progressively do a littler more and more each day and in the end you'll realize that what you receive may be much greater than what you put in because I do believe that "Life Is Good!" - Senora El Khoury

Monday, February 9, 2009

Productivity = Good Life

Today was a good day, no GREAT day. I actually got work done today and I normally don't because I would always procrastinate the work in school and then bring it home and finish for homework. But today was different. I feel very good at this point; it's one of those days where I KNOW I'll be able to sleep early. I will surely enjoy it =)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

School Is EVIL! >.<

I'm bored, really bored! I don't understand why everything seems so boring compared to it how it was back then. When I was little, it was so much fun to go to the mall and shop. It was a lot of fun going to the arcade like Boston Bowl or the one in Foxwood. Everytime my friends and I went with our parents, we would always spend over $100 on the driving games and the ones that spit out tickets. But that has all changed because those things have all gotten boring. And who or what do I blame? I blame the most evil thing in the world... SCHOOL!

Why is school evil?
Because it literally takes your life and evergy away. It takes your spirit away from your family and friends and everything that you love. I remember that playing video games and drawing in general were things that I really love to do. But now I find them so boring. Why? Because School came and took that enthusiastic spirit away and has now implanted something else in me. I am now like School's slave, and my only purpose for right now is to get good grades. I understand that school and education is important, you hear that concept ALL the time. But what good is school if it takes your youth and everything that you used to love away from you? In general, I hate school and one thing that I wish right now is that college will be different. I don't want to be School's slave for 7-8 hours a day anymore. I want MYSELF back and hopefully college will be about to restore that...

On a side note, I have ben trying very hard to learn some korean dances lately. When I was little and even till now, I have always hoped of becoming a pro-dancer and ever since high school it has become my dream to get to go to a live show by Super Junior, DBSK, Shinhwa, and recently SHINee. Any show by any band would be fine. I just want to witness and experience a live dancing performace for myself and one day that wish WILL come dream =)

While youtubing I found this really nice perforamce by SHINee and Seo In-Young. They performed "Replay" then "Cinderella Under My Umbrella." The second song is the same one that was performed by Chris Brown and Rhianna, except they switched the order of the lyrics. Their english isn't perfect, but overall the performance was great, I really liked it =D

Thursday, February 5, 2009

"We Use Numb3rs Ev3ryday!"

Today was actually a good day, I got things done and don't feel stressed out about anything besides the research paper. I honestly don't know what to do on it though and quite honestly I don't care since the teacher doesn't seem to care anyway... so WHATEVER!!

The best part of today was that our MATH TEAM scored 3rd place for the 2nd time in a row during today's math meet so YAY!! But sadly, today was the last meet and I do feel like I will miss these meets, the ridicuolus math problems, and most importantly, my reserved back seat at the end of the bus. I will miss them all. I do wish that next year's team will advance even further and kick Thayer Academy's A$$! GO RANDOLPH!! =)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Curse of the "i-tis"

Usually the first thing that ever gets asked when I come home is "How was your day?" and quite shockingly, it was not the same reply of "It was alright..." today. Quite frankly, my day was extremely crappy to the point where I almost exploded, but it's okay cause I was able to control it. Seriously, sometimes I feel like I am surrounded by children MY OWN AGE and that is extremely sad. If you can't GROW UP, then go back to your baby crib, slap on a diaper and call it "LIFE" cause you obviously don't understand what "maturity" is...

I have gotten home since 4:20 today and for the past half hour. I have been thinking a lot about school in general. We always hear how seniors get "senioritis," but honestly EVERYBODY is affected by it in some way. You would think that those who have nothing to do will be more willing to contribute, but that is not the case...

What I thought about the most during this time is ASIAN CLUB and how I've been a part of it for the past 3-4 years. And this length of time has somehow created a bond between this club and me. It's hard to explain, but it's something that I really care about and am willing to give up everything for it. Therefore, when people disrespect the name of "ASIAN CLUB" by treating it other than what it should be, I get really pissed off. A.K.A. ASIAN CLUB IS NOT a Public Club/Bar where you come in, have a drink, chill, and then leave. WORK needs to be done and if you are not willing to contribute anything then you're better off getting your darn self out of the room and stop wasting our time and space.

If there is one thing, ONE THING, that I could ever ask of before graduation, is to be able to witness a smackingly good Asian Night and that is ALL. That is all that I truly want before I leave this school and sadly, this club.

The next Asian Club meeting will be held in Ms. Rea's Room (224) on Wednesday, February 25th at 2:30, please come and be prepared to work toward this goal of showcasing the best ASIAN NIGHT ever shown by RHS. ASIAN CLUB is a club and we (both members and officers/advisor) are a team. There is no "I" in team and every hand that is contributed will only take this goal one step further to its destination.

Thank you, I know it was a long blog but yeah, I just needed to get it out somewhere. Thanks for stopping by! =)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Let It Snow, Snow, and Snow!!

So it is blizzardy outside, yum right? Well I honestly hope that it continues to snow the night away (definitely going outside to do the snow dance tonight, who's with me?).

Besides the ugly weather, there will be an Asian Club meeting tomorrow, please come, we need to people to help us PAINT!

OH OH!!! Another funny thing happened this week... Guess who's one of RHS's students of the week is? ...(drum roll).... ME!! lol so yeah check my picture in the front lobby =)

GASP! My check just came in from the tax department thing!! =) yay more money to spend!

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Start of Something New

Okay so this is offically the day in which my blog is finally done, been working on it for almost a week. I even almost gave up studying for Midyear Exams because I was so committed to getting it done. So YAY! for two things today: my new blog and MIDYEARS are finally OVER! What a relief =)