Monday, March 23, 2009

Exhausted, Drained, Lifeless...

Okay' let's just say that school has been really taking the life out of me recently. I feel like no matter how much time I put into doing homework or studying, it's never enough! I thought that I had studied so hard for the STATS test, but I ended up getting a 71. I don't understand why one minute I feel like I'm getting it, but the tests and quizes always make me realize how stupid I am. I have honestly tried my best to study for this test, but whether I study or not makes no difference, so why bother?

Well at least I'm doing really well in BIOLOGY which I am so thankful for. My goal is getting a 90 or better on the next test, and yes IT WILL HAPPEN! Screw STATS, nothing in that class really makes sense to me anyway... =(

Well there is approximately 4 weeks left until April vacation. Everyday seems to go by so fast, but vacation and graduation don't seem to come fast enough. I honestly can't wait to go to college almost, the thought of freedom is finally starting to bloom inside of me and I LOVE it. I can't wait to leave the torture chambers of school, to escape the constant watch and dependency of my parents on me, and to remove myself from immature kiddies.

What do I mean by all this? I mean I feel like I am growing up so fast that I can be so independent right now that I don't need anybody anymore. I really don't need my mom telling what to eat and what not to eat. I don't need my grandma's constant watch over what I have for dinner each night. I don't need people to tell me what to do and not what to do. I feel like I can handle my own issues and the best thing that people can do for me right now is to just not add onto more of my issues. At this point, I am REALLY tired like nobody has any idea how tired I am. I just want to be able to get 8 hours of sleep a night, is that so much to ask for? (sigh...)

1 comment:

  1. :) Everything will be OKAY Anh. Like I wasn't doing hot in AP Chem when I took it, but becuase I did so good on other things, a 70-80 is just one little thing that won't matter for that long :O
