Friday, March 20, 2009

Friday At Last!! =)

Wow, I can't believe this week went by so fast like it never even occured. Any how I had a lot of fun silly dancing in the hallways and Ms. Mahoney's room. Oh by the way I did very well on my biology test which may be a good sign that I have also done a good job on the stats test.

Anywho, this weekend is defintely dedicated to catching up on school work since I missed like 2 and a half days of school this week. Other goals include:
-Finish choreographing Boys' K-pop dance for Asian Night
-Learn Call Me, this dance is intense
-Work on NHS Booklet
-Catch up on Crime & Punishment, I'm at least 6 chapters behind...
-Make up 4 assignments + Project for Calculus
-Get mucho SLEEP!!
-& BE A FAITHFUL POKEMON FAN, so Ms. Mahoney can't look down upon!

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