Thursday, March 26, 2009

Do What YOU Can & Let Everything Else Fall Into Place

I have been complaining a lot about school lately, but at the same time I know that I will miss it a lot. I will miss everything from the activities to the teachers, but there are certain things that I know I won't miss (erhmm... the administrators and snobby students).

In general, I don't think that RHS is a bad school at all, in fact I really love it, even more than the school that I attended back when I lived in Quincy. However, there are some things that I am really sick of at this school. First and foremost, I feel like students are just very disrespectful to the teachers. Whipping out your cellphones during class and constantly talking over your teachers are just very RUDE. I'm sorry but if you're 17/18 in high school and you need to get send out of class for disruptive behavior(s), then how are you going to survive college and life in the future?

At the same time, I'm starting to feel like the administrators at the school are getting A LITTLE too controling. First, I don't understand why they are constantly on our tail about things like prom. I'm not saying that it's wrong for them to care, but when they are constantly questioning us about our plans, it makes me feel as if they don't trust us and our efforts and that irritates me. Also, I don't understand what is so wrong about watching a pg-13 rated movie in psychology class that will enable to understand more about psychotic behaviors. After all, that's what psychology is all about. I'm just so sick of how they are always stressing how important "education" is and that's pretty much all they're thinking of right now. However, I just want to say that aside from education, THERE ARE OTHER IMPORTANT THINGS IN LIFE!! Need I mention that in the past 4 years, 90% of the teachers (whether new or old) have either quit after 1-2 years or have gotten fired. OBVIOUSLY, there is something wrong that...

I'm just glad that I won't have to put up with this next year, at least not MUCH of it. But whatever, let's talk about my college updates. Today I got a letter from Boston College and once again I got waitlisted. Although it is not as bad as a rejection, I still feel like schools are just being biased. Only the students who go to schools like BLS and BLA are usually accepted and they never really care about Randolph students anyway... However, I am happy that I have not gotten rejected from any schools yet which shows that at least I have the capability and requirements that they are looking for, I'm just not "good" enough in terms of other areas UNRELATED to my work ethics.

THE GOOD NEWS is that Umass Amherst is offering me a little over $22,000 which will pretty much cover for most of my expenses. I'm really happy about that. At least I feel wanted somewhere =)

-MCPHS [accepted]
-UMASS AMHERST [accepted]
-NORTHEASTERN [waitlisted]
-BOSTON COLLEGE [waitlisted]

1 comment:

  1. GO CHECK BOSTON UNIVERSITY. IT's out already!
