Tuesday, February 10, 2009

"Life Is Good," So LIVE It!

So it's been a week since midyears ended and the results are flooding out like water through a hole in a dam, but quite frankly, I like what I'm seeing, wait NO!, I LOVE what I'm seeing.

AP English: 93, MidYr: 90
Adv. Composition: 97, MidYr: 97
Spanish: 100, MidYr: 96
AB Calculus: 95, MidYr: 91
AP Statistics: 90, MidYr: 85
AP Biology: 93, MidYr: 93
Psychology: 100, MidYr: 100

Once again high honors for me his term YAY =) but by a very close call. Most of the time I feel like I do better than what I expect and at times I also feel like LUCK is just on my side. A good example would be AP Stats. I don't really think it's a hardcore "HARD" class, but I do fairly descent in that class and would have gotten a fine looking 88 for the term. BUT... somehow Mr. Mahoney decided to add 10 points to the class's test grades and therefore I ended up with exactly a 90. I feel really good about myself, because truthfully I DON'T consider myself a "GENIOUS" or incredibly smart, I just do what I do but I get grades that are way above satisfactory. Whenever we have a Math Meet, I have never earned more than 6 points on any of the rounds that I'm in and the most you can get is 18 total. I feel even dumber when sophomores from other schools like Thayer earn 15's and perfect 18's for their final score. So basically, I feel smart at RHS, but when I'm just "OUT" there I feel really stupid. Maybe I'm just being sensitive but I do feel intimiated out there.

So a word of advice, do what you do and progressively do a littler more and more each day and in the end you'll realize that what you receive may be much greater than what you put in because I do believe that "Life Is Good!" - Senora El Khoury


  1. im jealous >___<
    i havent gotten high honors since freshman yr.
    i always have ONE friggin class that gives me an 88 each term :[
    congratsss tho!

  2. Anh is too smart for me. I'm happy I just passed the Calc mid-year. >.>

  3. u got a 100 in spanish???? WUT DA FCK?

    nice lol. u beastin dawg. gj puttin ur site in ur aim thingy. I made a blog too lol

  4. HAY, i had my xanga for like 6 years ya kno, even tho.. i never used it for like 4 years of the 6 lol....
