Saturday, February 7, 2009

School Is EVIL! >.<

I'm bored, really bored! I don't understand why everything seems so boring compared to it how it was back then. When I was little, it was so much fun to go to the mall and shop. It was a lot of fun going to the arcade like Boston Bowl or the one in Foxwood. Everytime my friends and I went with our parents, we would always spend over $100 on the driving games and the ones that spit out tickets. But that has all changed because those things have all gotten boring. And who or what do I blame? I blame the most evil thing in the world... SCHOOL!

Why is school evil?
Because it literally takes your life and evergy away. It takes your spirit away from your family and friends and everything that you love. I remember that playing video games and drawing in general were things that I really love to do. But now I find them so boring. Why? Because School came and took that enthusiastic spirit away and has now implanted something else in me. I am now like School's slave, and my only purpose for right now is to get good grades. I understand that school and education is important, you hear that concept ALL the time. But what good is school if it takes your youth and everything that you used to love away from you? In general, I hate school and one thing that I wish right now is that college will be different. I don't want to be School's slave for 7-8 hours a day anymore. I want MYSELF back and hopefully college will be about to restore that...

On a side note, I have ben trying very hard to learn some korean dances lately. When I was little and even till now, I have always hoped of becoming a pro-dancer and ever since high school it has become my dream to get to go to a live show by Super Junior, DBSK, Shinhwa, and recently SHINee. Any show by any band would be fine. I just want to witness and experience a live dancing performace for myself and one day that wish WILL come dream =)

While youtubing I found this really nice perforamce by SHINee and Seo In-Young. They performed "Replay" then "Cinderella Under My Umbrella." The second song is the same one that was performed by Chris Brown and Rhianna, except they switched the order of the lyrics. Their english isn't perfect, but overall the performance was great, I really liked it =D

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