Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Curse of the "i-tis"

Usually the first thing that ever gets asked when I come home is "How was your day?" and quite shockingly, it was not the same reply of "It was alright..." today. Quite frankly, my day was extremely crappy to the point where I almost exploded, but it's okay cause I was able to control it. Seriously, sometimes I feel like I am surrounded by children MY OWN AGE and that is extremely sad. If you can't GROW UP, then go back to your baby crib, slap on a diaper and call it "LIFE" cause you obviously don't understand what "maturity" is...

I have gotten home since 4:20 today and for the past half hour. I have been thinking a lot about school in general. We always hear how seniors get "senioritis," but honestly EVERYBODY is affected by it in some way. You would think that those who have nothing to do will be more willing to contribute, but that is not the case...

What I thought about the most during this time is ASIAN CLUB and how I've been a part of it for the past 3-4 years. And this length of time has somehow created a bond between this club and me. It's hard to explain, but it's something that I really care about and am willing to give up everything for it. Therefore, when people disrespect the name of "ASIAN CLUB" by treating it other than what it should be, I get really pissed off. A.K.A. ASIAN CLUB IS NOT a Public Club/Bar where you come in, have a drink, chill, and then leave. WORK needs to be done and if you are not willing to contribute anything then you're better off getting your darn self out of the room and stop wasting our time and space.

If there is one thing, ONE THING, that I could ever ask of before graduation, is to be able to witness a smackingly good Asian Night and that is ALL. That is all that I truly want before I leave this school and sadly, this club.

The next Asian Club meeting will be held in Ms. Rea's Room (224) on Wednesday, February 25th at 2:30, please come and be prepared to work toward this goal of showcasing the best ASIAN NIGHT ever shown by RHS. ASIAN CLUB is a club and we (both members and officers/advisor) are a team. There is no "I" in team and every hand that is contributed will only take this goal one step further to its destination.

Thank you, I know it was a long blog but yeah, I just needed to get it out somewhere. Thanks for stopping by! =)


  1. I'll look forward to Asian Night. :]

  2. I agree with Anh 100%
    The officers are busting their butts to try to make this club worthwhile. Ms Rea devoted so much time for us where she can go home right after school. Who wants to stay after school for another two hours? I really don't. But we have given you guys so much to work on. I really don't care for Asian Club next year; to be honest I can't wait to graduate to get out of here.


  3. Lol senioritis.
    =[ asian club officers, you guys are doing a realllyyy great job!
    sorry that some members are giving you guys a hard time! >:[
    btw nice blog thingy anh!

  4. I agree ]:
    I dont think I contibute a lot but I try. D; >< I hope it's enough.

    I dont think people just got the 'itis' I think they just chose to. It's really. Stupid...

