Thursday, June 11, 2009

Back With A Vengeance

So after a month long hiatus I'm BACK!! LOL I have so much to say but let's talk about GRADUATION first and leave everything else till later; after all, I DO have all the time in the world now haha.

So yes, GRADUATION was this past Sunday and I thought it was THE BST DAY EVER!! I didn't trip up on my salutatorian speech, even though I got extremely paranoid when I couldn't hear myself on my mom's video camera. But luckily, Sapphire came to my rescue with an actual copy of the ceremony from RCTV!! I heard myself perfectly on that recording so I was HAPPY once again. I also managed to get a LOAD of pictures which I will be uploading onto to facebook soon, I PROMISE!! What I truly enjoyed about this ceremony was that it included EVERYTHING that I've worked for since.... FOREVER! In the booklet that was passed out, I spotted my name like 17 different times under numerous rewards and recognitions. I got an award for my dedication to NHS, commitment to Asian Club, as well as contribution to the class of 2009 as Vice president. These awards truly meant a lot to me because these were the clubs/activities that I deemed most important. Academically, I got 3 different awards for the following subjects: Psychology, Spanish, and Science. I truly felt honored since these awards were one of kind and I luckily received them all.

From this experience, I realize that sometimes you don't have to constantly try to prove to others that you are the best as long you know that you've done THE BEST that YOU can. I never thought that I would receive some of these awards, but I did. It comes to show that there are people watching your every sacrifice even though you may not be aware of it 100% of the time. It felt like everything that I worked for finally paid off even though I never expected any contribtution in the first place.

If you are interested in watching the GRADUATION OF THE CLASS OF 2009, give me a shout and I will try to upload the video. However, this will have to occur after I get my new laptop over the summer only because my computer is too old to handle certain types of video conversion. If you are STILL interested in Graduation, we are also in the newspaper lol yes, I got myself a copy today. My speech is also in the newspaper by the way and my beautiful colored photo lol.

Well in the meantime I hope that you all like my GRADUATION-THEMED layout and the newly uploaded music. More updates will come your way, I PROMISE!!!

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