Sunday, April 19, 2009

The True Human Nature: Selfish & Inconsiderate

I'm sorry but this going to turn into another rash about how much I hate people. Like I have stated before, the closer we get to graduation, the more I begin to see things more clearly for some reason. The closer we get to June 7th, the closer I realize that I can no longer tolerate some of the behaviors at RHS. In general, PEOPLE SICKEN ME!

Maybe it's only because I have reached my limit or maybe it's because my mind has matured by like 100000000x this year, but I feel so aggrivated lately with everything! Asian Night, NHS, AP's, and PEOPLE are all causing me to feel very stressed out. I'm okay with the things that I have to deal with for Asian Night, NHS, and my AP classes because I know that I signed up for these things and therefore I have no complaints. However, it's the attitude and behavior of a majority of the people at the school that just makes me SICK!

I feel like it has become an increasing trend each day that somebody would always ask me for my school work. EVERYDAY this happens and I'm really sick of it. Sometimes people would legitly take my work and don't remember to give them back until I ask for them. Honesely, I don't mind you taking my work and copying it then and there but when you take it for 2 weeks and then I ask for it back and you go, "I'm not done copying," then that just irritates me. This makes me feel like you consider my work shit until it serves some sort of benefit to you.

I am so busy with all of the things that I have in life, but I feel like nobody gives a damn. I am constantly being sought down by people who wants to "see" my work EVERYDAY. I seriously don't even have time to study on many ocassions and the next day people would ask me if they could borrow my "study guide books" and my "notes." This is one of the reasons why I don't take notes anymore because literally I'm just taking notes for people who wants to burrow them later on. What's worse is that I know people go home and procrastinate or go out and party and all that jazz. Then they realized "Oh shit, I have a test tomorrow, but that's okay I'll just ask ANH!" Seriously, this is what I feel like people are doing and I will not tolerate it anymore.

Yes, I'm number 2 of the class and yes I'm the salututorian, but I'm ONLY HUMAN like the rest of you! One time somebody told me that I'm different, because I'm "naturally smart." Although I should feel flattered, I don't because that's saying I get the grades that I do "natually" and that's not true at all. I'm only human, not GOD, so stop thinking that. TAKE THAT THOUGHT OUT OF YOUR MIND ASAP!

Basically from now on, I will no longer be distributing my work to anybody anymore. I'm fine with teaching you if you need help when I feel like it, but I will no longer be your automatic notepad where you can go to whenever you feel like slacking. I too slack, but I have never asked anybody for their work and hold on to them for more than 1 class period unless I'm not in school. I realize and understand that all humans are innately selfish and inconsiderate, but seriously this is overdoing it!

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