Thursday, March 26, 2009

hApPy BiRtHdAy MOM!! <3

Just a quick shout out to my MOMMY since it's her birthday... HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! =)

p.s. (I almost forgot her birthday, omg I feel so bad... I remember her gift though)

Do What YOU Can & Let Everything Else Fall Into Place

I have been complaining a lot about school lately, but at the same time I know that I will miss it a lot. I will miss everything from the activities to the teachers, but there are certain things that I know I won't miss (erhmm... the administrators and snobby students).

In general, I don't think that RHS is a bad school at all, in fact I really love it, even more than the school that I attended back when I lived in Quincy. However, there are some things that I am really sick of at this school. First and foremost, I feel like students are just very disrespectful to the teachers. Whipping out your cellphones during class and constantly talking over your teachers are just very RUDE. I'm sorry but if you're 17/18 in high school and you need to get send out of class for disruptive behavior(s), then how are you going to survive college and life in the future?

At the same time, I'm starting to feel like the administrators at the school are getting A LITTLE too controling. First, I don't understand why they are constantly on our tail about things like prom. I'm not saying that it's wrong for them to care, but when they are constantly questioning us about our plans, it makes me feel as if they don't trust us and our efforts and that irritates me. Also, I don't understand what is so wrong about watching a pg-13 rated movie in psychology class that will enable to understand more about psychotic behaviors. After all, that's what psychology is all about. I'm just so sick of how they are always stressing how important "education" is and that's pretty much all they're thinking of right now. However, I just want to say that aside from education, THERE ARE OTHER IMPORTANT THINGS IN LIFE!! Need I mention that in the past 4 years, 90% of the teachers (whether new or old) have either quit after 1-2 years or have gotten fired. OBVIOUSLY, there is something wrong that...

I'm just glad that I won't have to put up with this next year, at least not MUCH of it. But whatever, let's talk about my college updates. Today I got a letter from Boston College and once again I got waitlisted. Although it is not as bad as a rejection, I still feel like schools are just being biased. Only the students who go to schools like BLS and BLA are usually accepted and they never really care about Randolph students anyway... However, I am happy that I have not gotten rejected from any schools yet which shows that at least I have the capability and requirements that they are looking for, I'm just not "good" enough in terms of other areas UNRELATED to my work ethics.

THE GOOD NEWS is that Umass Amherst is offering me a little over $22,000 which will pretty much cover for most of my expenses. I'm really happy about that. At least I feel wanted somewhere =)

-MCPHS [accepted]
-UMASS AMHERST [accepted]
-NORTHEASTERN [waitlisted]
-BOSTON COLLEGE [waitlisted]

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Final Months of High School

lolIt's hard to believe that high school will be over in a matter of a few months. Although I can't wait to finish, I KNOW that I will miss so many things about high school like the teachers/staff, clubs/activities, defintely friends, but most importantly, the laughter and memories.

When I reflect upon what this year has been all about, I must say it is full of stress, but at the same time many laughters. This year in Spanish and AP Bio, I have had so many good times from laughing at Thanh's craziness to Amy's non-stop giggling. I will miss these moments and it's sad to know that these moments may not ever happen again in college especially since things will get more strict.

Therefore, I will cherish these last few months leading up to graduation and as much as I know I will miss RHS very much, I also know that life will move on and there will be other things in the future that are waiting for me.

-Anh Huynh Le RHS Senior '09, Always and Forever <3

Monday, March 23, 2009

Exhausted, Drained, Lifeless...

Okay' let's just say that school has been really taking the life out of me recently. I feel like no matter how much time I put into doing homework or studying, it's never enough! I thought that I had studied so hard for the STATS test, but I ended up getting a 71. I don't understand why one minute I feel like I'm getting it, but the tests and quizes always make me realize how stupid I am. I have honestly tried my best to study for this test, but whether I study or not makes no difference, so why bother?

Well at least I'm doing really well in BIOLOGY which I am so thankful for. My goal is getting a 90 or better on the next test, and yes IT WILL HAPPEN! Screw STATS, nothing in that class really makes sense to me anyway... =(

Well there is approximately 4 weeks left until April vacation. Everyday seems to go by so fast, but vacation and graduation don't seem to come fast enough. I honestly can't wait to go to college almost, the thought of freedom is finally starting to bloom inside of me and I LOVE it. I can't wait to leave the torture chambers of school, to escape the constant watch and dependency of my parents on me, and to remove myself from immature kiddies.

What do I mean by all this? I mean I feel like I am growing up so fast that I can be so independent right now that I don't need anybody anymore. I really don't need my mom telling what to eat and what not to eat. I don't need my grandma's constant watch over what I have for dinner each night. I don't need people to tell me what to do and not what to do. I feel like I can handle my own issues and the best thing that people can do for me right now is to just not add onto more of my issues. At this point, I am REALLY tired like nobody has any idea how tired I am. I just want to be able to get 8 hours of sleep a night, is that so much to ask for? (sigh...)

Friday, March 20, 2009

Friday At Last!! =)

Wow, I can't believe this week went by so fast like it never even occured. Any how I had a lot of fun silly dancing in the hallways and Ms. Mahoney's room. Oh by the way I did very well on my biology test which may be a good sign that I have also done a good job on the stats test.

Anywho, this weekend is defintely dedicated to catching up on school work since I missed like 2 and a half days of school this week. Other goals include:
-Finish choreographing Boys' K-pop dance for Asian Night
-Learn Call Me, this dance is intense
-Work on NHS Booklet
-Catch up on Crime & Punishment, I'm at least 6 chapters behind...
-Make up 4 assignments + Project for Calculus
-Get mucho SLEEP!!
-& BE A FAITHFUL POKEMON FAN, so Ms. Mahoney can't look down upon!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

It's All About "QUALITY," Not "QUANTITY"

OMG!! I can't believe scholarships are FINALLY OVER!! I really over worked myself for them including coming to school late today cuz I didn't finish in time =( However, nothing is ever "smooth-sailing." It seems like every time one problem ends, another arises and they NEVER STOP coming.

So today was Asian Club and once again another disappointment... I don't understand why people come if they aren't gonna do anything. It's like going into a restaurant and not order or eat... then why come?? I understand that some people require more time to mature, but by this time of year even freshmen should be able to act like young adults. It's really ashame that some people don't understand what they are doing with their life... No Offense.

Anyway, regardless of whether the members are going to put in more effort or not, the show WILL go on even if that means we will only have a cast of 15 members. Like the saying goes, it's all about "quality," not "quantity."

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Heart & A Soul

Today something strange came over me that just got me into thinking about humanity in general. I swear CRIME AND PUNISHMENT is starting to affect me. Today, I learned or have always known but realized that underneath everybody's physical persona, there is a heart and a soul. Regardless of whether you are a super star or a poor hobo, a wicked evil stepmother or a benevolent angel, you have a heart no matter how you are on the outside. I realized that everybody has a weak side that many people don't know about and this is the side that I have much sympathy for. Although I do admit I complain a lot and don't talk nicely about everybody all the time, I just want to say that in no way do I mean much of what comes out of my mouth. Basically, if we just take the time to understand that not everybody is legitly bad or evil, we would be able to feel better about others and at the same time, feel better about ourselves. I know, THIS IS WICKED CORNY, but it's true. Alright, I'm done here. Need to shower, eat, homework, then SCHOLARSHIPS!!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I'm BACK!!!

Wow, I am terribly SORRY that I haven't updated for the past two weeks, school is so CRAZY now since it's nearing May and every teacher is going into "Let's CRAM the students with work so they can be ready for the AP Exam" mode. On top of that I still need to worry about scholarships, the required 60 hours of community service for graduation, working towards Asian Night, compiling speeches for NHS and graduation (I have to write like 4), and other college crap in general.

As far as college decisions go, I have gotten 3 replies back
-MCPHS [accepted]
-UMASS AMHERST [accepted]
-NORTHEASTERN [waitlisted]

So I'm still waiting on other schools, but hey as of right now I have not gotton "REJECTED" by any school, maybe it's a good sign who knows.

So yeah I will try my best to keep updating everyday, I PROMISE I will "TRY." In them mean time, ENJOY the new songs and layout!

P.S. I love Suju's Sorry, Sorry!