Monday, February 22, 2010

Intense Sympathy & Procastination?

So this weekend was a little different from my other weekends. It was one in which I told myself that I need to STOP procrastinating and just get things DONE! So although it was REALLY late, I was able to finish a lot of the work that I wanted to get done (that meant I only had an hour and a half of sleep >.< last night)

I found this video on self hypnosis on youtube --> and it kind of worked for me after I listened to the lady. I REALLY got a lot of work done today so who knows, it might help you too if you are a MAJOR procrastinator like me lol

On the other hand, for some reason I feel really simpathetic towards my brother today. We were on the train and all of a sudden he got this RANDOM headache and it was so bad he had to drop down on the floor of the train. The lady next to us thought that he was sick. At first I was annoyed because he probably didn't sleep much last night... what is it about Maple Story that's so addicting anyway?? But then I felt bad later on. It was a feeling of INTENSE SYMPATHY too, not like "I feel bad," it was "I FEEL REALLY BAD." I don't know, it was a pretty random feeling, maybe it's been a while since I had to take on the "caring brother" role. Most of the time, I just tell him to suck it up fool, but not today LOL I'm pretty mean I know XD

Well it's been a pretty productive day and I hope everyday's day was the same =) nahhh? lol I know it's a Monday, but 2 more weeks till spring BREAK =) yayyy!!


  1. yay first to comment! lol umm hi =] productive day but slacked off night.. lol nice layout ;]

  2. i get that too anh. like if my brother has any trouble or if he's sick i take care of him real discreetly its probably a brotherhood kinda thing.

    tell him to stop playing maplestory =P thats worse than playing WoW ya know.
