Thursday, February 18, 2010


Have you ever had one of those moments when out of the ordinary you just started thinking about your future? It's like one of those times when you start questioning whether or not you belong where you are today? Well today I had one of those moments and that got me thinking a lot about my future.

First, what crossed my mind was whether or not I was truly interested in my major (pharmacy). It is definitely NOT subject in which I would love to be involved in for the other half, or longer, part of my life. I really don't understand why I chose it to begin with. It was definitely a last minute thing. I was scrolling through the list of majors while I was applying and PharmD seemed to be the most appealing. In fact, for each of the school that I applied to, I had a different major selected. It was PharmD for MCP and Northeastern; Pre-med for BU, Tufts & Umass Amherst; and like Business for BC or something similar (can't remember). Yeah, that was how I decided my major because I only got into 3 schools and the only 1 I could afford was MCPHS so then that was how I got into PharmD.

I guess I am not TOTALLY un-interested in pharmacy because out of all the different areas of study, science is most definitely my favorite, ESPECIALLY CHEMISTRY. Keep in my mind that I absolutely HATE biology, which was why BU was not an option (plus, they gave too little $). However, if something comes along, such as along the lines of me getting approached on the street for a singing or dancing contract, I WOULD TOTALLY take it in a heartbeat. Thus, pharmacy became the most LOGICAL choice for me, not one that I necessarily think is the best. Then again, what I deem ideal (like flying to Korean to become a singer/dancer) is wayyy too unrealistic >.<

So yeah that was my moment of reflection upon myself. My biggest regret was not fully considering my options, nor really taken the time to go seek them. I am a very adventurous person, and standing behind a counter handing out drugs all day doesn't really give me that satisfaction. I guess like every other pharmacist out there, I am only in it for the money. Money makes life better so hopefully mine will not be an exception.

Maybe I should have applied to some forensics school to utilize chemistry in a way that's more active and engaging... then again I won't have money. So the bottom line is, what's more important? Money or Passion? OF COURSE MONEY!! Passion doesn't keep people out of poverty. Therefore, it's best to find something in between =) which I am right now, so I guess it's not all that bad lol

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