Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Our Job Vs. Our Hobby

I am willing to bet my money that 99.9% of the people out there with jobs would rather choose a different occupation if all the jobs in this world resulted in the same salary.

I am one of those examples because honestly I would rather design web pages or dance at a concert all day if I was offered those kinds of jobs. However, that is not the case. The world is unfair and values only the professions that benefit life in general. Thus, if a job does nothing to contribute to the general health of society, it doesn't become valuable. I used to want to become a forensic scientist or psychologist but looking at their salaries, I question whether or not spending all those years in college will be worth it in the end. Sure, I will love what I do, but how is it going to sustain my expensive life?

I think society just staggers self-interest because by setting a doctor's salary to a such a high degree, it is insinuating that any profession with a salary lower is considered "not as important." Thus, everybody nowadays constantly seeks to get into a profession that is both less time consuming and high paying. With this mindset, those hobbies of ours like drawing and singing and dancing become inhibited because what good do these things do for us if we won't be getting paid for doing them? Then they become a waste of time and eventually we lose interest in them.

Video games used to give me such great satisfaction but since I have no time for them anymore (there is no job out there that pays for playing video games), I lose interest in them as time progresses. The longer you stay away from something, the harder it is to go back to it. It is very unfortunate that we are all forced to give up our dreams in order to help society advance.

1 comment:

  1. yup... as much as i love drawing and playing games it isnt going to get me anywhere in life sadly =(.

    Even if I struggled to become a mangaka in the next what 4 - 5 years in the end I'll still be a starving artist, plus the chances of me landing that kind of job is like hitting the lottery. Dreams are awesome but we really need money to survive. From a cold-hearted economist view the best thing to do would be to go after a feasible job that can support you.

    It's either that or I live my prime years of my life doing construction work all day and go home to cry myself to sleep =P
