Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Negative Attraction

So I have offically declared today that I attract 2 things: diseases & poverty.

For some reason whenever I take the MBTA, I ALWAYS and I stress ALWAYSSS end up sitting or standing next to somebody who is sick. No matter how hard I try to avoid one sick person, I will end up face to face with another "sicker" person. The thing is people who are sick don't wear faces that says "Stay Away I'm Sick" on their foreheads so I can't judge >.< Now here's the thing, when I was sick back in December, I never sat near anybody who was sick which made me feel awkward whenever I spaz out and cough. But how come when I was sick everybody around me appears to be healthy but when I'm all healthy, sick people start coming after me left and right. I don't need to get sick again people, KEEP AWAY!!

Another thing that constantly happens to me is that people always ask me for money or "leftover change." These people are usually waiting at the train stations for me and it happened to me THREE TIMES within a 24 hour period. Seriously, it's like I have the words "Hi I'm Rich" written on the top of my forehead or something. I have my huge ass backpack on meaning that I am a college student, and college students are POOR for goodness sakes!! So please please, keep away! >.< God if they were poor in the first place then where did they muster up all of the change in the first place to get INTO the train station. Shouldn't they get some food instead? It's like using money in order to ask for more money when you could have made better use of it in the first place X(

Now on a more pleasant note, my Pokemon games finally came today. I have been anticipating the Heartgold and Soulsilver versions of Pokemon ever since they were first announced last May. I remember the orginal Pokemon Gold, Silver, and Crystal Versions were my favorite but all the batteries inside the game cartridge have died so I can no longer save my progress. So you bet I was super excited when found out about the release of these newer versions. SO EXCITED!! I will personally make a new layout having to do with these versions at the end of this week because I am THAT excited, can't wait to play it later (I would play now but I still have some work to do). God fuck school already, stop ruining my life!

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